Fragonia Essential Oil - 5ml
Fragonia Essential Oil - 5ml
Beautiful, Fresh, Fragonia,The essence of Western Australia
The adaptogen of essential oils.
With a scent both floral and green, Fragonia oil has the unique quality of being nearly perfectly balanced in its chemical composition.
French Quantum Aromatherapy researcher Dr. Penoël, has stated that Fragonia seems to work on whatever level is needed to help the body, mind and spirit restore balance.
Fragonia essential oil is credited for its anti-fungal, anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties. The lovely fragrance may calm your nerves, sooth tense muscles – and is very mild on the skin.
This magical oil helps people using it by support the systems to feel a sense of harmony, peace and emotional balance.
Ingredients: 100% Pure Agonis fragrans (Fragonia) Essential Oil
Fragonia (R) is a trademarked name of the Paperbark Company in Western Australia.